Conventional Mining

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Al-Fajr Salts International, a partner organization of Al-Fajr International has been carrying out conventional salt mining on its leased area. This whole area was granted to us in the mid 90’s and we have been doing conventional salt mining ever since. There is a proper process of attaining the area for the mines. Primarily a license is issued and after huge investments and proving salt in the area, a lease for a number of years is issued.
Al-Fajr International, has had a lot of success during their 13 years of conventional mining. On average we have produced 6000 tons of salt per year. Our first clients were Sitara Chemicals in Faisalabad. Next, we started supplying salt to Ittehad Chemicals in Kala Shah Kaku, near Lahore. Our current client is ICI.
Our main mine was affected by the large earthquake in 2005 and therefore we are working on making new mines now. We have also learnt from our past experiences in the first mine and aim to produce even more salt in these mines, as our clients require more salt as well.Info